Australian Standards that cover guidelines for safety signs are usually comes from AS1319 to AS 1994. Where these standards specify requirements related to the design and the use of each kind of safety signs used in any workplace environment.
The main purpose of the requirements guidelines for safety sign and the use of these labels itself is to regulate and also control behavior related to work safety, to notify hazards or emergencies and also to provide information related to fire protection or any danger situation.

On the other hands, this requirement also determines several classifications or distribution of existing signs and also their layout. AS1319 has no requirements regarding the materials to be used nor the nominal sizes required for safety markings. However, AS1319 emphasizes that the type of safety sign used must be appropriate for the intended application or intended use of the sign. And what is no less important is to inform employees about these signs and their purpose.
The Meaning of Prohibition Sign Red Background Color
The Prohibition sign comes with bright red color as its background. Which mean danger in ANSI standards, and a prohibition for ISO standards. Prohibition signs are used to notify or indicate an action or activity that is prohibited or prohibited. The shape of the prohibition sign is usually in the form of a red circle and also a diagonal red slash crossing the symbol or writing.
Usually this sign is superimposed on a black pictograph. For example, a smoking prohibition sign, which directly depicts or contains the smoking symbol. The background is usually white and the text is black.
But in australian standards, the color background itself doesn’t always portrait with vibrant red color. Some danger sign has black and white background color with signal words ‘Danger’ on top of it.
The Meaning of Blue Background in Mandatory Sign for Australian Standards
What Does a Safety Sign With a Blue Background Signify? As I said, the mandatory sign for australian standards comes with blue background and with signal words or objects. The mandatory sign usually used as a mandatory of what should everyone do or wear in some certain area.
Mandatory signs are used to inform an instruction, action or activity that must be carried out. Unlike the prohibition symbol which is usually red, the mandatory sign is usually in the form of a blue symbol. Usually use white pictographs.
One example of a mandatory sign is a symbol for workers or employees who must wear safety glasses. Above the white pictograph is usually a picture or symbol of glasses on it. The background used is usually white and also usually the writing or text used is black.
Both ISO and ANSI has the same background color to signify a mandatory sign. Both is using blue as their background color which in ANSI mean a ‘notice’ and in ISO its mean a ‘mandatory sign’. The signal words are sometimes wrote with white color.
But some mandatory sign can also only use safety alert symbol as its main campaign. According to ANSI and BSI ISO standards, the surround shape of mandatory sign itself can be vary from rectangular to round shape with blue color.
How to Place a Mandatory Sign
The specification of Installation processes from these symbols or signs is expected to be installed in a place that has good lighting and in a position that is quite prominent so that it is easily seen by employees.
Signs or symbols should also be made at least 15 mm in size per meter of visibility. The use of uppercase text is also a minimum of 5 mm per meter of visibility. Where the rules above must be increased by at least 50% if the conditions where the installation has poor lighting conditions. Even if possible, it is recommended that signs be posted with the line of sight of the observer in a vertical plane.
Safety signs must also be placed with a contrasting background so that the writing or symbol can be seen clearly, this is also to minimize the possibility of the symbol being obstructed by piles of materials or other obstacles. To achieve maximum effectiveness, safety signs must also be considered and maintained in good condition, clean and well lit.
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