Caution Radiation Hazard Sign Meaning – When using office or laboratory equipment that contains certain compounds, workers must understand the rules and procedures that apply because they come into direct contact with chemicals that can give harmful reactions to our bodies.
These hazardous chemicals are stored in containers that have been given an occupational safety symbol as a description of the hazard and characteristics of these chemicals. This symbol is intended as a warning and to keep workers or anyone in a particular work environment safe.
Radiation is another name for an ‘energy released’ term, either in the form of waves or particles. Based on the electric charge that it generates after hitting a certain object, radiation is divided into ionic radiation and non-ionic radiation.
What Is Radiation And Why a Safety Sign is Needed
Non-ionic radiation is more common in the form of radio waves, microwaves (microwave radiation), infrared, visible light, computer radiation, and ultraviolet light.
Meanwhile, the ion radiation group consists of x-ray radiation sign (CT scan), gamma rays, beta, alpha, and neutrons. Radiation hazards are usually more related to ionic radiation, because of its nature which gives an electric charge to the object it is exposed to. This charge can have a negative effect, especially if the object it is subjected to is a living creature.

Traces of radioactive materials can also be found in the body, especially the naturally occurring potassium-40. Potassium-40 is found in the food, soil and water we consume, but the radiation it produces poses no danger to humans.
Your body contains small amounts of radiation because your cells metabolize the non-radioactive and radioactive materials of potassium and other trace elements in the same way.
Occupational safety and health is one aspect of labor protection by applying technology to control all aspects that have the potential to endanger workers. Control is aimed at sources that have the potential to cause work-related illnesses. Accident prevention and alignment of work equipment, both machines and human characteristics that carry out the work.
By implementing occupational safety and health control technology. It is hoped that the workforce will achieve physical endurance, work power and a high level of health.
The physical condition of the workplace environment where workers carry out their daily activities contains many hazards, directly or indirectly, for workers. These hazards can be classified as vibration, chemical, radiation, lighting and noise hazards.
The Danger of Leaked Radiation Area
This hazard is a hazard that comes from the materials produced during production. This material is scattered into the environment due to wrong working methods, damage, or leakage from equipment or installations used in the work process.
Chemical hazards that dissipate into the work environment can be disruptive both locally and systemically. Local disorders are disorders caused where chemicals come into contact with the body. Namely the skin and mucous membranes, which cause symptoms of ulcer irritation and cancer.
If absorbed and enters the blood circulation, systemic symptoms will occur. The routes of entry for chemicals into the body are through the skin, inhalation, and digestion.
Radiation is the emission of energy through matter or space in the form of heat. Particles or electromagnetic waves/light from a radiation source. There are several sources of radiation that we know around our lives such as television, lighting, food heaters, computers. And others.
In addition to these objects there are sources of radiation which are natural elements and are in the air, in the water or in the layers of the earth. Radiation has an influence or effect on humans. The effects of radiation on humans are divided into two, namely genetic effects and somatic effects.
Genetic effects are effects felt by the offspring of individuals exposed to radiation. Somatic effects are radiation effects felt by individuals exposed to radiation. The symptoms felt by this somatic effect vary, some are immediate but some are delayed.
Symptoms that can be immediately visible in a short time include epilation, erythema, burns, and decreased blood cell counts. Symptoms of delayed effects will be felt for a long time between months and years such as cataracts and cancer.
Infrared radiation can cause cataracts, for example, furnaces. High power lasers can damage the eyes and skin eg communications, surgery. Low-level electromagnetic fields can cause cancer, for example, namely welding.
Radiation Area Safety Sign In Australia
According to ISO and IAEA, the purpose of installing a safety sign of this radioactive symbol is to help reduce unnecessary death. And serious injury resulting from accidental exposure to radioactive sources.
ISO and IAEA are examples of international safety sign standards that are still widely used today. Then, what about work safety standards, especially the radioactive safety sign in Australia?
Radiation warning signs identify radiation hazards through hazard symbols and/or warnings. Warning signs must be posted in each radiation controlled area to indicate the presence. And level of the hazard present in the area. The sign indicating “RADIATION AREA AUTHORISED ENTRY ONLY SIGN” refers to an approved radiation worker who reports directly to the Radiation Supervisor assigned to the area.
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